About Us

Our philosophy is simple.  Let little people be little for as long as they can. Let them have fun, get dirty, touch everything, be inquisitive... ask as many questions as they can think of, and introduce them to new activities and inspire them to love and forever play in the outdoors.

Free Range Kids is inspired by the European Forest School and Reggio Philosophies. Unlike a traditional preschool, Free Range operates exclusively outdoors. Children engage and learn in and from the natural environment.

Children guide their own experiences and learning based on their particular interests. Free Range Kids focuses on pre- academic skill development. These include critical thinking skills, problem-solving, and building social and emotional competence.

There are many unique parts to our program, one in particular, is the integration of animals. We have a horse that is a full-time employee. As an ex-therapy pony he is as wonderful as wonderful gets.  At the farm we will garden, learn about the animals, and how to care for them.

Our aim is to provide high-quality, meaningful learning experiences that meet children’s developmental needs, while fostering their natural curiosity. Free Range Kids offers a nurturing learning environment, experienced learning guides, and unique, hands-on learning opportunities that help build the foundation for the future.

Located on the south side of GWS we have full access to the RFTA Bus system and use it. We use RFTA to facilitate most of our field trips.

Special trips will be taken in "Ruby" our little red school bus.

We try to make everyday as fun as possible by exploiting everything the Roaring Fork Valley has to offer your children. Hiking, swimming, biking, skiing, SUP & sledding to name a few. 

Here at Free Range we LOVE ART.  Splatter art, glitter paint, body paint, markers, crayons, clay, puff clay, play-dough, Plaster of Paris...you name it we have it and use it. We even paint the horse!

We don't care how you pack your lunch or what you pack it with. We don't care if you have training wheels.  We also happen to like doughnuts and cookies. No judgement.  Your kid, your rules. 

Free Range supports the Catholic Community in GWS by preparing future St. Stephens students with the practice of prayer and Pledge of Allegiance.

All classes attend Tuesday Mass @ 8:15 am.


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